The Project was commissioned by Massimo Polidoro, a writer, journalist and Secretary of CICAP, a pupil of James Randi, a permanent presence at Superquark, he is often the author and host of scientific divulgation programs Massimo Polidoro also works as a populariser and uses Youtube as his main channel for spreading scientific information.
The project
Massimo asked me to redesign his logo and the entire brand, following the path of the creative process of branding I focused a brainstorming of keywords that could best describe his personality and what Massimo deals with, after several tests I found that the concept that could best represent Massimo was to associate him with prominent people.

Concept Logo
For the logo I used the concept of light bulb to express the fact of illuminating people through light and which is often also associated with Ideas, I think it is the perfect symbol to describe the long-term work that Massimo does, because he focuses in unraveling mysteries and shedding light on what is very often unknown.
The logo has been designed following the golden section that is a Logo Fluid that can be used in different ways and contexts, both digitally and physically, starting from the layout of the logo and also declined in different merchandising.
First logo idea

Final Logo

Logo color versions
One Color



Golden Ratio

Golden Ratio Typography