
Artichoke 14

Website and Teaser for the Artichoke Magazine.


Artichoke is an Swiss Italian university magazine, where most of the workshops held during the year are collected. The SUPSI office in 2020 will be moved to a new building, we have chosen to deal with the theme of Artichoke in the future, we have done a whole workshop focused on the aesthetics of the image divided into different themes. 

– Exterior – Fashion – Frames – Study – Tribe – Making of

Trailer Artichoke 14

I and others in the “Making of” group were responsible for documenting the workshop through the trailer, each of the group proposed their own trailer. In the Trailer that I edited I focused in transmitting a climax, playing a precise video editing and engaging work, focusing on details that I think were very interesting.

Website Artichoke 14

After the workshop, I designed a website, putting my knowledge in the field, using the HTML code, I managed to design a site that could document the event and organize the content that we have done in that Workshop.